Ah, Windows Live Writer

Nothing like being able to post a blog from the remote comfort of my machine without the need to even open a web browser.  Though, WYSIWIG’s have come a long way, it is certainly no replacement for typing something up locally.  Windows Live Writer really isn’t something that is new, I still wanted to take a moment, if even to only remind myself, that this piece of software does have its uses when it comes to making attempts at writing blogs.  Ah, the days of hashing together HTML files and uploading them, adding a link and slapping a site together truly are gone.  I’m sure there are other tools to be used when it comes to blogging, something open source and multi-platform, but this piece appears to do it for me.  Just the same, I dig it.

I don’t type much anymore, mainly due to boredom with it and lack of visitors here.  I find that most head to an anti-social networking site and expect others to do the same if they want to keep in touch.  People are lazy, its a fact, we build tools to make things easier.  Tools of the newer generations, and I’m not talking about pocketbook padded frat kids, really has become the intarweb.  It really does amaze me how much growth has occurred when it comes to this tool.  I don’t think most realize how different things are now a days, or maybe it just isn’t something that is voiced anymore.  The most obvious irony being how I decided to just say that.

Ah well, just the same.  Life goes on.  Friends become more and more distant and I get older.  These are all the things that our folks told us when attempting to teach the classic fact of, “Don’t try to grow up to fast.”  It is in complete and plain sight now what they were trying to say at the time.  Paying bills, working day in and out, talks of $700 billion dollar government bailouts, etcetera etcetera.  I’m not sure where I’m going with that, just speaking my mind.

$700 billion dollars.  I’ve heard terms such as, “Only 5% of the problem” or “Only solves 1 out of the 4 problems” in regards to the economy.  My almost immediate reaction is, “Jesus, what the fuck would I do with $700 billion dollars?  How can they even expect the average American or shit, even Earthian to comprehend how much money that really is?”  Unbelievable.  First order of business for our government, talk about how we should go about this.  Are you kidding me?  How would you even begin to start a discussion about that?  All in a days work I suppose when you manage a couple hundred million people.

Fuck.  Count me out.  Or rather, just sign the check over to me, I’ll figure out what to do with it.  Hmmm, maybe a 10 step process would help.

Step 1:

Hire a lawyer.  Without legal representation, there wouldn’t be much left of that $700 bil.

Step 2:

Call my mom and dad.  Hey, can you blame me?  I don’t think they’ve ever been to Hawaii.

Step 3:

Buy a jet.  Well?  There are going to be a lot of conversations I need to have face to face.

Step 4:

Buy stock in the company that made the jet.  Sorry, might as well make sure it stays a float since I’ll be cruising around in the thing.

Step 5:

Begin looking into credible AIDS and Cancer research centers to invest in.  Tired of that bullshit, we need a cure.

Step 6:

Call Bill Gates.  “Let’s do lunch and talk about shoes.  Fuck Seinfeld, he was only funny in the 90s anyway.”

Step 7:

Call Speilberg.  “Dude, you make really fucking cool shit.  How can I help.”

Step 8:

Buy Lithuania.  Why?  Cause its fucking small.  Like Rhode Island, but cooler.  Literally.

Step 9:

Work on raising the ocean levels to drown out the man made islands in Dubai.  Really?  People bought in on that shit?  It’s in the fucking desert you re-re’s!

Step 10:

Buy a golden gun with golden bullets.  It really is too much money, I’d have to kill myself.

Wow, I think I have fully derailed any previous train of thought.  How did I even think it would be ok to put this on the intarweb?  “Self improvement is masturbation. Now self destruction…” – Fight Club.  is definitely the intarweb.  Just sayin..ok, I think I’ll be done with rambling and babbling on and on for now.  Hope you enjoyed your stay, but you probably didn’t.




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