
I love that word.  Every person I know can immediately picture an unnamed person and shake their head to the statement, ‘Fucking Douchebags’.  It really is a great descriptive word.  I am surprised there isn’t a ‘Friends don’t let friends date Douchebags’ movement somewhere in the realm of the ladies.  It just amazes me as to the lack of wit and style these guys have and yet somehow, they almost always have a girl with them.  How does that happen?  Do they emit some sort of IDF?  That’s Intelligence Disruption Field in case you were wondering.  Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know what it meant, I just made it up.

Really though, uh oh, Flux is gonna go off about politics again.  I find it amazing as to how many liberals there are on the internet.  It is this huge insurgence as of late.  It must be election time or something since you don’t hear from half of these people on a regular basis.  Look, I’m not saying hire a guy with a cancerous tumor in his mouth backed by a nimrod lady who now has a porn made after her.  I’m not saying I dance around in a rainbow parade either, but come on people.  We are talking about the state of the country here.  Remember, we are at war?  Hello?  ‘Of course I do.  Look at Colin Powel, he backs Obama!’  Are you fucking kidding me?  He allowed himself to be manipulated in a way that the whole world should have had him hung.  He knew full well what was happening around him.  “Oh My God, did he just say that??”  No, I wrote it, but its true.  For the same reasons that everyone hates Bush, that guy was right behind him as well.  The only reason I bring this up is people seem to have this notion that Obama’s shit doesn’t stink.  It does, just like everyone else.  And Powel backing him really doesn’t make it stink any less. Now McCain.  What the fuck?  Dude, you are not fucking Ronald Reagan.  I’m not your friend, I’ve never even met you and I live in your state!  I respect your career and the fact you’ve seen some serious shit over time.  You actually kind of amaze me in that you are still ticking.  Well done.  Really though?  That’s about all you got going for you man.  I’m guessing you thought bringing Pailin on as VP was pretty much a shoe in.  You know, women VP against a black P?  Come on dude, really?  Most people are only interested in what you have to say because they want to see your running mate naked!  Seriously!  Why else would you make a porn about her WHILE you are campaigning??  I think that might be a record, of course, they may have done something similar with Clinton, I don’t care to remember.  I thought typically these aren’t made until AFTER the election.  Ok ok, either way, the pron industry is well known for this.  A really good idea for a porn, and I doubt I’m the first person to think this…. would be Obama nailing Pailin.  I’m just saying.  Too Soon?

Ok, so, who am I voting for?  Come on concentrate….

Ok, got it!  Fuck, lost it….

Yeah.  I still don’t know.

Can you believe that shit?  I really do hate politics.  It has been back and forth in my brain.  I can’t decide if I want to go with McCain or Obama.  I feel like a fucking schizophrenic talking to the wall as if it was my cat when I try to think about this.  What?  God told me to do it.  I mean the wall, I mean my cat.  Fuck.  All this ranting is giving me a tumor I think.  Hmmm, maybe I’ll name it Pailin.




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