Well, I decided to change the name of my blog, slightly. I’ve added a version number! Cause everything is better when you have a version number! I mean, Web 2.0 makes it all better! Hell, I hear of this new Web 2.5! Vanilla just doesn’t tell you anything, but Vanilla 1.0, now there its a release!
Only a slight hint of sarcasm there. I did change this since it was my third attempt at running a blog. Maybe this time I will not drop all on my db without a backup. Oops? N00b? Pwned?
Yes, yes, and yes.
There are worst fates though. I know, it may be hard to believe but there are worse things then a drop all. Hopefully I can disclose this worse case scenario in Blog 4.0.
I have taken a notice to my blog slowing down since installing WordPress, though I am not entirely sure what the cause is quite yet. From what I can tell, it isn’t anything to do with themes I’ve installed. Hoping to have that cleared up soon.
Not quite as witty as I was expecting, but effective.
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