Windows Live Messenger 9 Beta RC1

Wow, the only person who had that mouth full last I can think, was Monica Lewinski.  Bitch.  Seriously, say the blog title out loud.  Anyway, the new Writer seems a little more streamlined and once again I’m actually liking it.  Easier to preview a post, most settings and it all makes sense, mostly.  I know, it will change fifteen times before RC2.  At any rate, quite a bit of time spent on this release, and I’ve not had any crashes.  I guess that is good, right?  I probably just jinxed myself.

Well, on to more emo topics.  My dad gets out of the hospital this week.  Initially they told him Saturday, now they are stating Friday.  Quite a relief considering they thought he was going to die.  It’s amazing what my mind was doing during that time, attempting to support my mother through the grief, figure out what the hell I was going to do to help everyone if he did perish and somehow still balance my own life into it all.  Reading that again, yes, in that order.  All in all, I am glad he is ok.

Ok.  Politics.  You know that game in Golf ‘n Stuff?  Wack-A-Mole?  Yeah, we need to create two versions for the web, Wack-A-Mccain and Wack-A-Obama.  I swear they can say some of the most retarded shit at times, just as I can.  The latest ‘town hall’ style debate didn’t shy away from it either.  They really try so hard to address what is being asked so they can plug other points of interest….to them.  Well, at least I know they aren’t robots… this is good since I’ve been fearing a Cylon invasion.  Fucking BSG.  Right, well my divide between the two – a guy who can handle the war and a guy who can handle the country.  That’s a problem.  I probably shouldn’t talk about politics since I’m a convicted felon… ok, I’m not a convicted felon, but I swear, I do feel like I’m under lock and key when it comes to making a decision in presidents.  These two really need a lesson in humility if they ever plan to relate to anyone.  Oh, and Biden, can we not bring up your dead wife?  It happened a long time ago, get over it.  Spilling your sob story like that makes me think you need a shrink.


Right then, and on to the economy.  If I hear one more person talk about this ‘depression’ we’re in, I might actually start throwing journalists out of the window.  I mean really, the fundamental difference(heh, had too) between the 1930s and the 21st century are leaps and bounds from each other.  The reactions of the governments of the world are also not treating this like they did in the 1930s.  I’ll speak in specifics, the American Government raised taxes in the 30s, tightened their belts keeping people from money.  Now, they are injecting money.  Remember?  We have social security now?  I’m sorry, I shouldn’t bash the people who obviously slept through history class.  Please, journalists, you sound stupid enough most of the time, save yourself from this self deprecating demise.  I’d say it is safe to assume you graduated college, act like you know something and quit trying to bullshit the public into thinking that this is even close to comparable to The Great Depression.

I guess I’ll post this thing.  I really need to stop talking about nerd shit when I go off about other topics.  Come on intarweb!  Go go go!  Sorry for wasting your time again, hope you hated your stay.




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