Flock 2.0


Ok, so, I might have been gravely mistaken about this browser when I initially checked this out.  But like a good dog, I went back to check it out again. I think I just shat myself….

One sec.  BRB.

Oops, wrong IM.

Shit, how did that end up on this blog if.  Nevermind. 

So, in my search for a cross-platform client I ran into this browser again.  Since this whole Web 4.0 push, er 3.0 was it?

Fuck I forget.

Since, the new intarweb I’ve been wanting to find something I can easily access just about everything.  My current config has allowed me to use Digsby and Chrome/Firefox to pretty much do anything I wanted, then use Windows Live Writer to post anything I want to the intarweb.  Pretty simple right?

Wrong fluxers!  Gravely mistaken.  Well, ok, not entirely.  I’m still really liking Windows Live Writer, but Flock does offer me a halfway decent client to connect and post to the site as well as manage pretty much everything else all from a single portal that is local.  It appears to be based on Mozilla backend, so, it can’t be all bad.

Something worth mentioning and worth checking out.  Enjoy.

Flux out.






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