Windows 7 Beta 1

I’d like a moment to thank the Dorkinesian that created this theme I am now using.  It’s bloated, takes forever to load, but damnit, it’s fun.  And I am all about fun.

So, if you are on dial-up, upgrade!

Speaking of upgrading, Windows 7 is released.

Ok, so, that really is news but, I have it installed and have been using this as my primary OS now for a few days.  I have to say, the Windows 7 Beta 1 32bit appears to be hands down the best OS thus far.  It’s shiny, it flows well, it appears to be a lot more intuitive then previous versions of the OS and to boot… it RUNS WELL!  Ok, so it is a Beta and it can be quirky at times, but overall – right out of the gate, everything Vista compatible appears to be also Windows 7 compatible.  This will be nice when upgrade paths are talked about for those who have adopted Vista.  Those that haven’t, well, you’re retarded anyway and should go learn Ubuntu or something.

I know it seems perpsterous as to how a Beta OS can run better then an RTM’d OS can, but I am seeing about double the frame rates on my laptop in WoW and in application swapping.  Very key considering the OS is suppose to be used to multi-task.

2 big changes to me that I can see are actually, fairly low key to the more avid power users out there.  I really dig the fact that I can view any window, and any tab(within Intarweb Exploder) from anywhere in the OS by mousing over the icon and over various panes I have open.  Talk about sexy.  This doesn’t work from within Firefox, so it most likely doesn’t work natively and will have to be included in the Windows ports of applications.  I can’t foresee that breaking anything?  Never!  haha… ahh… yes.  The second noteably cool feature is the wifi network connectivity.  This, among other issues, has been one that has PLAGUED the Microsoft Windows operating system since, well, since wifi!  Even the third party software vendors provide complete shit.  Though, most of us have gotten used to these shitty ass piece of software over time.  Basically, you click on the network icon in task tray and you get an immediate, up-to-date list of networks around you.  Then, click on the network, and… omfg, what?  Now pop-up window??  Ok, cool, very cool… click on Automatically Connect if you like, and click connect.  Previous ways of handling wifi has never been this easy.

Sadly, I know what to expect from Microsoft though.  They have a tendancy to show us some really kick ass stuff you can do with UIs and then remove them right prior to release due to violations of agreement and yada yada yada… for fucks sake, I can see why people use open source.

Downside is they still appear to be using NTFS.  No new WinFS, or any other type of data management.  Just, crappy, old, degraded, pussing NTFS.

Eh, if your computer is pussing, take a picture or it didn’t happen.  Guarenteed to be dugg!  Anyway, if you get the chance to check out Windows 7 Beta 1, the link is up top and well worth the trip.  I did VM this as a test first in which I didn’t get the full aspect in a non-3d environment.







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