Today… I Am 31


That reminds me of a conversation I had with a gal named Amanda at Octopi when I worked there.  While smoking outside, she mentioned about learning when it was ok to properly place words in the middle of other words and making it sound correct, just like the above.


Nothing like turning another year older.  You get to count up all the mishaps and coulda-wouldas throughout the year.  I really do hate my birthday.  Turning 30 was sorta fun, but I really don’t remember all of it.  I tried to drink 30 drinks in one night.  Amazing, its what really jump started the entire year.


Meaning, I failed to even do that.  I got to 24 I believe is what the sloppy count was.  The stipulation was that as long as I could still recite pi to the sixth decimal, I could continue drinking.  I’m sure by the 24th drink, it was a reflex.  At best this year, I’m going out with my girlfriend and having a nice low key dinner.  Already did the dinner with the parents, which its nice to see my dad is still with me.  It has been a pretty rough year overall thinking back, I guess I should be happy about how all the ‘speed bumps’ turned out, but its hard to stay positive about it.


Ok, ok.  I’ll get down off my soapbox.  It is just so damn easy and fun to just complain and bitch about everything in life though.  As I get older, one thing does seem to stay constant.


Well, no shit.  There is a theory out there that states its constant.  Not really sure about the backing as to why it is only a theory.  Most likely depends on some other theories to be true and are probably very hard to prove.  Ug, I need to take a course in event management or some shit.  Least my girlfriend is the bomb.







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