Zune and Peripherals

Alright. I know, peripherals is a big word.  Thank you Websters.

I’d given up on my crusade against being able to play songs on my device while it is plugged into my machine.  I store my music there for a reason, so I can listen to it.  I don’t want to sync it to the machine I happen to be on at the time.  Do I mind installing the Zune software on every machine I sit at?


I love the Zune software!  It is well beyond that iTunes in its third iteration of it, and half the fucking size!  Why would I care about installing it?

Right, ok.

@gusadelic, my roommate, had purchased the V1 A/V Zune Dock for cheap, and the remote wasn’t working.  So I started looking things up about the Zune 80GB and whether there was incompatibility with the V1 Dock.  It isn’t, but in my adventure across the intarweb, I ran across something that sent me over the fucking top.

In random comment thread off of a blog, they were looking at the sync cable used to power the device on the V1 Dock as being an issue.  Someone asked if they had an xbox, and whether it worked when they plugged it into this?


Wait a moment, that’s pretty fucking sweet.  I can sync music from my Zune/Zune Pass and play it?  Why not just do that?  I do have space issues on the xbox, but shit, syncing music to device to play? Fucking sweet.

Being a geek, I tested this.  What I found made me want to go ooooOwah-ah-ah(Stupify) on the planet.

What happened to Earth? Flux killed it.

He’s good at that. Yeah, fucking bastard.

YOU CAN PLAY SONGS DIRECTLY OFF OF THE DEVICE ON YOUR XBOX!!!  I know, I know.  Dude, you could have said that at the top of the blog.  Fuck you, I am pissed.  Here I thought it was a licensing thing, etc, etc, etc.  I’d made a hundred and one excuses for this.  You make the console, the device and the OS. MAKE THIS WORK IN WINDOWS ZUNE TEAM!!!  This has been something from Day 1 that you can do with an iPod and extremely frustrating that songs are not allowed to play directly off of the device, on the machine.  So, so, so fucking broken.  Also, the purchased video does not appear to play at all via the device to TV from the xbox either.

Bull – fucking – shit.

This is definitely a problem for me, obviously, but I do not see the point to have all my music stored in three places.  Why do I have it in three places?  Simple.  I have my main library, a backup and everything on the Zune.  I wouldn’t have to keep a main library if I could just play the damn music right off the device.  Anyway, this is bullshit.








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