Google Chrome OS?

Both posts are from a single source, but here they are to bring you up to speed if you don’t know what it all is.

5 hours later…

Really? Nope. Nope. Possibly. Nope.  And, Nope.  Just as David Coursey is allowed an opinion, here goes an attempt at mine.

1. Netbooks will be the world quicker then we will think.  As mobile data increases in demand, so will the devices that deliver it.  Though, it may not be in the tradition that we see today, but we will see either a more powerful cell phone or ‘netbook’ in the near future that will blow our minds in what we can do from our finger tips.  Mainly the idea hit the shelf provided by Intel(for the most part) based on existing tech.  Nvidia and other companies haven’t even had time to plan into this at all.  Once they inject their hardware into the mix, we will see some serious power from these devices.  Accountability won’t be measured from behind a desk but from whether you’re actually out there effecting your business and the data will be available at the finger-tips. All of it. I’m getting a bit evangelical here and conclude my rebuttal on your first item here.

2. Whether the OS is free or not doesn’t seem to be a valid point then, if both can offer for free, then how is it even a failing point on Google’s part?  Brand recognition is mainly their fuel and they weigh in MUCH heavier then Linux would by itself, IF they go that route.  Notice this isn’t gOS, this is ChromeOS.

3. Eh, true Google Docs would take some serious overhauling, but with integration into say OpenOffice.  This could create a bridge between hardcore documentation and lightweight playtime with them.  Hell, they could come up with something new?  Wouldn’t be the first time.

4. What? Just as the Palm Pre is built on the idea of real time feeds, I don’t see where Google Chrome would not be able to function in this lightweight environment from a netbook side.

5. Ok, now I know you are a pretend techie nerd guy.  WTF???  There is a means to an end to get anything working for cross platform support, whether is be creating a virtual environment within VMWare on Windows to host a MAC OS X box, or VMWare Fusion for Apple.  Linux does not fall short in the ability to create these same environments, Wine, VirtualBox, etc.  Hell, stop the war, include MS Office in it!

I think that the simple idea of “Googling” could be enough brand recognition and allow folks another solid option other then Ubuntu as a platform to conduct day to day business.  The average user doesn’t care what powers the device, it could be a fucking squirrel on a wheel inside the iPhone, they don’t care.  Ah, a fruitless conversation I think.  Too much is what if at this point and no one can draw a solid conclusion anyway.  I will not rule anyone out at this point because it is a cut throat market and new players coming in do have a chance to take out anyone else in this radical environment.  Which that being said, sadly this nimrod, could be right.




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