Congratulations Microsoft!

It’s been a bit, why not kick things off again with a rant!

Official Post.

I was wondering what had happened last night, as Bing is my default search on my Dell Inspiron 10v netbook.  In the middle of working on something, non-critical, the usual ‘hey, let me look that part up!’ occurred, to which I received a 500 error. For the non-tech reading this, 500 error is usually what shows up when the server can’t process the request you fired off to it. After a few twitch F5(refresh) taps, I was laughing pretty good and just used Google in the meantime.

The part that isn’t so amusing to me, is that they are missing about 15-30 minutes of outage time in the report given above, as a guess, they probably found out about this at 8:30PM Arizona time, but in all reality, errors started occurring much much sooner.


BBC Stated, “Not all aspects of the Bing service were knocked out by the configuration change. Many reported that Bing Maps was still available.”

Wow! That’s so great! Maps was working! …. ….. ….. …..

THE MAIN REASON YOUR SITE EXISTS WAS DOWN, but hey! Bing Maps was working!

@Bing: why?  You were doing so well. From the semi-clever ‘decision engine’ campaign to everyone was making fun of you, I really saw this as a new opportunity for you to reinvent your appeal to the public in software services. Now, now everything everyone was making fun of you about is actually true, again.

… …. ….. …. …. …..

Alright, alright. Truly, most of the above is complete sarcasm. I find it amusing how quickly people love to bash the shit out of Microsoft at any chance they can get. Nevermind it being the main source of  how most get to these places. Oh wait, people bash that too. Doesn’t get old after over 10 years of doing it? I swear, I think people have just gotten used to doing it and reading it. Notice how everyone mentions Google at some point or another in their posts, but how quickly everyone forgot that it too just went down earlier this year.

Back off, give them a fucking break considering it was an hour without your precious Bing and an hour without your precious Google, respectively. Oh wait, no one complained about Google. Tenure you say? Hmmm, pretty sure Microsoft/MSN/Live/Bing has been around a metric-fuckton longer then Google. But Google does do a lot of things very right. It is a pickle.




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