Fucking Politics

Right so, this last and final debate has me raising an eyebrow.  I’ll state right out of the gate, that before starting this blog I support neither major candidate and might as well hire Spock, you know, logical decisions with some emotion involved?  Is that so bad?  Ok, he is fictitious and I do jest.  It is me.

Both candidates seem to have this notion to go after each other, in a “whatever it takes” attitude, to win this election.  Based on a previous blog, words used during the convention, Obama bashed McCain more then the other way around.  It’s a fact.  McCain has responded, though, I do not agree, I still feel like neither of these people are really getting the big picture in regards to what is happening around us.  They seem to beat around on the same issues with some generosity, but not entirely, especially when it comes to dealing with an attack from the other person.  This is something that does not stop once elected.  Maybe I am a bit naive when it comes to politics, but I’d like to think I’ve I have lived a life in which I can understand what is happening around me without an accredited college advisor to tell me how it all works.  Being involved in the legal system, to some extent, allows me some leverage in these thoughts as well.  You’d think it would be really easy just based on that to align right along with Obama.  I don’t know what it is, but when Obama speaks I feel like he is trying to sell me a 3 wheeled car by telling me it has 4 wheels.  It’s just a feeling, though, I do think he is WAY more effective in speaking and will probably be more eligible to get head if elected.  I’m just saying.  Oh, too soon?

Even tonight, both candidates seem to show the same song and dance with all issues to plug an attack against the other.  Initially, I did not support Obama based on the feeling since he had seemingly done it the most.  Now, I feel as if McCain has been sucked right into it as well and now both dance around, and sing the same old song from years passed.  We are in a new era requiring radically new ideas and actions to change the way we do things.  Let me break it down:

Fact: John McCain is not George W. Bush.  I am sure a DNA test will confirm this, if required.

Fact: Obama and Osama are actually two different people.  See above for details.

Fact: There needs to be a poor, middle and upper class in order for our country to operate.  Please see Communism for further details.

Fact: Our country is actually fucked right now.

Fact: Pissing contests don’t impress me.

Fact: “You have died of dysentery.” is still in Oregon Trail.

Ok ok, sorry I’m really liking the idea of making lists on my blog.  Radical.  Now, when I say radical, I do not mean the traditional sense of the word as in severe sway to one direction in regards to belief.  I find way to much shit on the internet about which way I should or shouldn’t think.  Really? Come on now.  There does have to be some sort of medium, but decisions are going to be made on where this country is headed and the majority of the country does still believe that Christian religion is the driving force of their life.  Regardless, people, quit telling what others should do with their babies.

Damn, I feel a lot better throwing that out there.  Obama, I salute you there my friend.  McCain, I appreciate life as well, but some people can’t and won’t be able to provide for that child.  People don’t adopt babies, give it up or give people the ability to breed.

Science, it was brought up, we suck at it.  Duly noted.  Why? Because the average American kid is more concerned with pwning face in WoW or CoD4… while a kid overseas hacks WEP in record time.  How do we fix that?  heh, uh, Starcraft II… so we can battle the Koreans right and proper like!

Can I just say that if I here the word fundamental one more time? I am actually going to go bell tower on an ant hill outside?   I’m not sure what that means, but, I’ll laugh a little to myself.  Ok, before the CIA knocks on my door… I don’t even own a gun nor want a gun.  That goes for ‘the last 8 years’ as well. McCain, stop going after Obama… you started this without bickering and whining about your adversary. Anyway, yeah, these callers on CSPAN are fucking hilarious, what is this, YouTube?  I’d love a video feed of this shit…haha.  Ahhh, I should probably pony up and sound like a jackass in a podcast.  I might learn something about myself.

Mr. Senator Obama, Mr Senator McCain – Please, Please speak on something that is worth a damn to me and quit attacking each other… you talk AT each other a lot, but not to me.  At all.  Get it together or I’m voting for Spock.






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