Tag: ubuntu

  • Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu

    http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/09/installing-microsoft-fonts/ It’s an old post, but very effective and still useful. Basically, enable the universe repository from within Ubuntu(refer to forums if you need help with this). Open terminal. Run the below: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts This should allow you to install that package.  At the end of this, it looks like it clears the…

  • Flock 2.0 Adobe Flash Plugin on Ubuntu

    I ran into an issue getting Flash working with Flock browser.  Being a tinkerer, I found out that you can just copy the link for flash from /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and paste it into the plugins folder of Flock(/home/user/Documents/flock/plugins in my case). So, hopefully this helps in the adoption of using Flock/Flash.  Quite a quick fix as…